Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.
Belmont Cemetery is a traditional urban cemetery with both monumental and lawn plots. Sections are set aside in general, Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Uniting and Presbyterian rows.
Immediate use burials are available for one plot only. Council allocates the site location; burials are excavated to double depth (where conditions allow) and in consecutive order so use of land is sustainable. No reservations for additional plots are available.
Ashes can be interred (buried) into a family plot by a monumental mason, grave digger or organised through a Funeral Director.
Ashes can be installed in the niche walls with a granite plaque or in the memorial gardens, with a granite plinth.
Two memorial boulders are located in the gardens where memorial plaques only are placed to remember family members who have had their ashes scattered or are buried interstate or overseas.
Green Street, Belmont 2280 View in Google Maps
Green Street , Belmont 2280
The dedicated community members of 'The Friends of Belmont Cemetery' assist in maintaining the grounds and gardens in the cemetery. They conduct an annual clean-up day in December to prepare the cemetery for Christmas visitors. Volunteers are always welcome and if you would like to be involved please contact the Cemetery Officer on 4921 0333