Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.
Next date: Friday, 20 June 2025 | 04:30 PM to 08:30 PM
You can join in on the family fun at our live sites which include live music, roaming illuminated performances, entertainment, children's activities and food trucks.
Calling all boaties or boat owners!
Ahoy there! Are you interested in getting involved in Float Your Boat? We are looking for boaties, friends of boat owners, community groups, school groups, artists or lovers of Lake Macquarie to help us light up the lake by decorating your boat in lights and taking part in the Float Your Boat flotilla in 2025. Participation is free to enter and you go in the draw to win up to $1000 in cash prizes. Find out more and register below.
Register now
2024 Float Your Boat Winners:
Check out the gallery of the 2024 fleet below.
01 - Condor (Crab by artist Brett Piva): Not eligible for voting – Council commissioned work
02 - Lake Macquarie Houseboats (Bird by artist Peter Parslow): Not eligible for voting – Council commissioned work
03 - Hydro (Humpback Whale): The CoastXP team chose a humpback whale to celebrate the beginning of the 2024 whale watching season, and the start of whale watching tours now departing from Swansea!
05 - Noah's Arc (Noah's Arc): We have taken inspiration from nature and presented an extravagant display of wildlife that have boarded the arc. The display will feature real life palm trees, 3D animals from the land and sea, and an appearance from Noah himself.
06 - Hermitage (Oh Boy Rocket and Mickey Mouse): Rocket and Mickey Mouse. Inspired by Mickey’s favourite saying Oh Boy!
07 - Rufus (Pride)
08 - Influencer (Bluey)
09 - Jo-Ann (Unicorn): The inspiration for the design was my four young grandchildren that like playing with and watching unicorns.
10 - CatTiva (Tugboat)
11 - Toto (TNT Dynamite)
12 - Bluey (Pac-man and the ghosts): We've been participating in Float Your Boat every year since it started. We love to challenge ourselves and think about installations that get the attention of the young and old. This year we will be Pac-man and the ghosts!
13 - Windfall (Under Sail)
14 - Mistique (Road Runner)
15 - Havarest (Eternity)
16 - Happy Days (Giant rubber duck): This is our second year participating, and we come all the way from Canberra to participate with other boaties. This year's idea came from the grandkids - a giant rubber duck!
17 - Da Moot (The Sailfish)
18 - Mullika (Dino Party): It’s a dino party on deck this year, as we celebrate our son Koda’s second birthday. With dino’s party hat on, and present ready to unwrap, we hope to light up our little boy’s night!
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