Coastal Management Program The Lake Macquarie coastal zone is ecologically rich, physically dynamic and an attractive place to visit and live. The Coastal Management Program provides a pathway to achieve its vision of achieving “a healthy, resilient coastal zone”.
Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy 2020-2023 The Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy aims to set a long-term vision and provide electric vehicle charging network principles to ensure our city’s investments align with regional and national investments.
Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2027 Our mission is to create a City where the environment will be protected and enhanced, and where scenic, ecological, recreational and commercial values and opportunities are promoted and protected.
Urban Heat Strategy Urban heat and heatwaves are a significant and growing issue for Lake Macquarie. The Urban Heat Strategy identifies five objectives and an action plan with 25 actions to address urban heat over the short term (1-2 years) and medium term (3-5 years).
Urban Greening Strategy This strategy presents a vision for urban greening in Lake Macquarie, which recognises that green urban spaces make a major contribution to the high level of liveability of our city and must remain a fundamental part of our urban landscape.
Walking, Cycling and Better Streets Strategy Every day, Lake Macquarie residents collectively make over 700,000 trips. Around 11 per cent of all trips are by walking and cycling. This strategy helps us plan, prioritise and deliver better pedestrian and cycling experiences.
Waste Strategy This strategy identifies aims, barriers and costs involved in delivering current and future waste services and facilities consistent with achieving our vision of a sustainable and equitable city.
Local Strategic Planning Statement The aim of this Statement is to influence public and private investment so that it enhances the wellbeing of our people and the environment -making Lake Macquarie City one of the most productive, adaptable, sustainable and liveable places in Australia.
Local Emergency Management Plan The Lake Macquarie Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) has been prepared by the Lake Macquarie Local Emergency Management Committee in compliance with the State Emergency & Rescue Management Act 1989.
FloodSmart Lake Mac Flooding within Lake Macquarie City occurs in and around the major and minor creeks and tributaries that outlet into Lake Macquarie waterway (the Lake). Find out about all the things Lake Mac Council does in regards to flooding.
Local Adaptation Plan for future flooding and coastal risks To adapt Pelican, Blacksmiths, Swansea, Swansea Heads and Caves Beach to the projected effects of sea level rise and the compounding issues associated with inundation, flooding, drainage, sewerage and major storm hazards, so that community wellbeing, economic prosperity, and our valuable lake, channel and coastal environment can be protected.
Marks Point, Belmont South Sea Level Rise Local Adaption Plan The Plan identifies actions over the next 10 years that reduce the risk to the community from flooding and permanent tidal inundation, and that provide the foundations of a strategy for hazard management, land use planning and asset management to 2100.