Above: The stage one construction zone
Stage one works are nearing completion with turf laying in its final phase and the amenities buildings almost finished.
Council awarded the design and construct contract for works on Barton 2 and Lumsden fields to pre-eminent turf services company Green Horticultural Group (GHG), who began work on the eastern fields in March.
GHG has led a host of major national projects, including turf works for the Sydney 2000 Olympics, Sydney Cricket Ground wicket replacements and reconstructing the Parramatta Eels NRL facility at Memorial Park.
A total of 11,250 square metres of turf has been laid at Barton fields with the most recent load, scheduled for 31 October, bringing completion to 95 per cent.
Lumsden fields are being graded in preparation for their turn, while concreting and fencing for the field perimeters is continuing.
The baseball diamond will take shape in November.
Field construction will run through to the end of 2024 followed by turf establishment.
While the grounds won't quite be ready for summer sports, they should be primed for a return to play in the winter with handover to clubs expected early next year.
Amenities buildings update

The Barton buildings have progressed rapidly in recent weeks with solar panels installed, external painting completed, tiling almost finished and the internal partitions 80 per cent done.
Fit out for the plumbing is now underway alongside window and panel rib ceiling works.
Solar and painting are also finished at the Lumsden building, where rendering, security gates and stormwater connections have also wrapped up.
The hydraulic rough-in and Soffit sheeting are ongoing.
Unique Building Partners was awarded the building contract and established on site during April 2024.
UBP has been a high performer in the commercial and residential construction market in the Central Coast and Hunter Regions since 2014, and has worked with Council on several past projects.
Clubs will have time to move out of the existing buildings late this year prior to demolition of these structures.
No other site infrastructure will be impacted by this process.
Work on fencing, landscaping and connections will take place alongside building construction works August through October.
Electrical upgrades will be included in the scope of these works.
Consultation with user groups and sporting clubs was undertaken to inform building designs.