Council on track with operational goals - Council meeting highlights
Published on 26 February 2024
Lake Macquarie City Councillors voted on minor amendments to its Operational Plan at Monday night’s ordinary meeting, following a 95 per cent success rate on actions during the last quarter of 2023.
The Operational Plan outlines the actions and projects Council will undertake to achieve strategic goals for the city.
Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser said Council either achieved, or was on track to achieve, 141 actions in the last quarter, including some major infrastructure milestones.
“Council has set an ambitious $118.8 million capital expenditure program for this year and it’s exciting to see many of these projects coming to fruition across the city,” she said.
“Opening the Trevor Height Athlete Testing Facility as part of the Hunter Sports Stadium upgrade, the new intersection at Alton Road, Cooranbong and starting work on a bridges renewal program in Martinsville are all important recent milestones as we continue to hit our targets despite escalating construction costs.”
Construction on the Lake Macquarie Croquet Centre is also progressing well with the amenities building, facility entrance and driveway areas completed. The field has been constructed, with the facility expected to open in April 2024.
Lake Mac residents kept active throughout the summer with Lake Mac Swim Centres reporting a 50 per cent uptick in attendance and program participation compared to the same period last year.
Creative outcomes included the establishment of an Australian first ‘Fab-Academy’ at Swansea which offers opportunities for people to learn advanced fabrication techniques through a 20-week program.
Another highlight was receiving 27 applications for three funded Lake House residencies to nationally recognised artists who will contribute public programs at Council galleries.
In other agenda items, Councillors approved a one into 120 lot Torrens title subdivision at Ramsgate Estate, Wyee Point and a new telecommunications facility at 535 Lake Road, Argenton.
Deputy Mayor Madeline Bishop and Cr Christine Buckley were nominated to attend the NSW Australian Local Government Women’s Association’s annual conference to be held in Ryde from 14-16 March 2024.
Councillors approved funding for nine activities for a total of $10,362 as part of the Youth Week 2024 grants program.
A podcast development workshop, colour runs, art competitions, an ecological education and student science site clean-up project, youth markets and a youth fun day were among the proposals recommended for funding.
Councillors also approved a development application for demolition, staged multi-dwelling housing and strata subdivision at Princes Avenue, Charlestown, after attending a site inspection on 22 February.
Councillors approved a notice of motion from Cr Jason Pauling requesting a memo with information regarding the impact of pump out changes on affected residents and a review of options to assist with identifying service provision.
The full agenda and reports are available at meeting agendas and minutes.
The stream of tonight’s meeting will be available online at within 48 hours.