Council meeting preview: Ordinary Council – Tuesday 26 April 2022

Published on 21 April 2022

Council’s next meeting will take place in the Council Chambers on Tuesday 26 April 2022, with an Ordinary Council meeting starting from 6.30pm.

Members of the public have the option to watch the proceedings live online at

Below are some of the items listed for discussion. You can view the full agenda online.

Public Interest Disclosures Reporting Policy

Council will consider rescinding its current Public Interest and Disclosures Reporting Policy and adopting an updated version.

Councillors Portfolio Framework 2022-2024

Council will consider adopting the Councillor Portfolios Terms of Reference for operation of the Councillor Portfolio Framework 2022-2024, and nominating up to four Councillors to participate on each portfolio.

Adoption of Instruments of Delegation to Chief Executive Officer and Mayor

Council will consider adopting the Instrument of Delegation to the General Manager (Chief Executive Officer) and the Instruments of Delegation to the Mayor.

Organisational structure

Council will consider adopting its current operating organisational structure.

Additional Special Variation for 2022-2023

Council will consider applying for an Additional Special Variation.

Business Ethics Policy

Council will consider rescinding its current Business Ethics Policy and adopting an updated version.

Investment Report – March 2022

Council will consider receiving and noting a report identifying all money Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Cooranbong and Dora Creek – 266 Newport Road and 101 Hawke Mount Road – Highway service centre signage

Council will consider endorsing a development standard variation and approving a development application for business identification signage at 266 Newport Road, Cooranbong, and 101 Hawke Mount Road, Dora Creek.

Draft planning proposal to amend height of buildings and subdivision provisions for land at North Wallarah Peninsula, Old Pacific Highway, Pinny Beach

Council will consider requesting a gateway determination from the Department of Planning and Environment.

Naming of new bridge over Cockle Creek

Council will consider receiving and noting name suggestions from the community and endorsing ‘The Weir Bridge’ as the name of the new bridge crossing over Cockle Creek.

Code of Meeting Practice for exhibition

Council will consider placing the draft Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for at least 28 days and accepting submissions for 42 days.

Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy for exhibition

Council will consider placing the draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy on public exhibition for at least 28 days.

Code of Conduct review

Council will consider rescinding its current Code of Conduct for Councillors and adopting an updated version.

Property Advisory Panel

Council will consider adopting a charter for the Property Advisory Panel and appointing the Mayor and up to two Councillors for the panel.

Partnerships Framework Policy

Council will consider adopting the new Partnerships Framework Policy.

Recommendations of the Traffic Facilities and Road Safety Committee – April 2022

Council will consider recommendations from the Traffic Facilities and Road Safety Committee relating to locations at Cameron Park, Boolaroo and Morisset.