
eWaste can be disposed of through your bulky waste collection service or at the Community Recycling Centre at the Awaba Waste Management Facility.

It is important that eWaste is placed in a separate pile for bulk waste collection as this waste is picked up separately.

Some eWaste items contain lithium-ion batteries which should not be mixed in with general bulk waste as they can be flammable when mixed with other waste inside the compactor collection trucks. Examples of these items include battery powered handheld vacuum cleaners, mobile phones and battery powered tools.

eWaste includes:

  • televisions (whole undamaged units only)
  • computers, laptops, tablets and associated computer products
  • printers and fax machines
  • mobile phones and accessories
  • CD and DVD discs
  • stereos, video, DVD and Blu-ray players
  • power tools
  • portable household appliances including battery powered handheld vacuums
  • ceiling fans
  • all light fixtures and fittings (no glass lamp shades and covers)

Excluded items include:

  • whitegoods including washing machines, fridges, ovens and clothes dryers
  • vacuum cleaners (plug in vacuums only)
  • household and car batteries
  • VHS tapes
  • damaged televisions and monitors (which are deemed to be hazardous), minimal damage is accepted but if it is crushed it will not be accepted
  • fluoro tubes and globes

Please refer to Hunter Resource Recovery for full list of items accepted. 

Household batteries, CD and DVD's and mobile phones and accessories can also be recycled at Community Recycling Stations located at Council's Administration Building, Council's Works Depot, and Lake Mac Libraries Cardiff, Charlestown, Belmont, Morisset, SwanseaToronto branches, Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre and Sugar Valley Library Museum.