Proposed naming of roads - Bishop St Boolaroo

No longer on display. Expired on 18 October 2023, 12:00 AM

Notice is hereby given that Lake Macquarie City Council, pursuant to Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, proposes to name the following roads approved by the Geographical Names Board:


Proposed Road Name and Origin

Proposed Subdivision at 128 Munibung Road BOOLAROO, Lot 1006 DP 1270101

Bishop Street

Baden Bishop completed 31 years of service as Mixing Section Operator at Pasminco mining company in Cockle Creek.


Written submissions on the proposed naming may be made to Council at Box 1906, Hunter Region Mail Centre  NSW  2310, or email [email protected] by 17 October 2023.  Please note any submissions made, may be forwarded to other persons with an interest in the application.  Submissions should be marked “Attention: Land Information Officer” and clearly state the reasons for any objections. For further information, contact Customer Service Centre on (02) 4921 0333.


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