Lost and found or adopting a pet

What to do when your dog or cat is missing

You can use your NSW Pet Registry profile to report missing pets. This locks your pet’s profile so ownership details can’t be changed while they’re missing.

Make sure your contact details on the NSW Pet Registry are up to date so you receive notifications if your pet is found.

Check our page below also to see if your animal has been picked up by our Ranger. If your animal is not listed:

  • Ask around among your neighbours, check local social media group pages as well as in nearby parks to see if anyone has seen your pet.  
  • You should also contact other local shelters and vets to see if anyone has handed in your pet.

You can also notify us if your pet is missing to allow us to contact you to return your pet if found.

What to do if you find a lost dog

  • If you find a lost dog wearing a collar or identification tag, please contact its owner first.
  • If there is no tag or you can't contact the owner, take the dog to a vet or approved animal welfare organisation so it can be scanned for a microchip.
  • Vets may accept a stray animal and will then contact us to impound the animal. Please note that vets are not obliged to accept an animal unless it is injured.
  • If the dog doesn't have a microchip or registration, or if the owner can't be contacted call our Ranger for assistance on 02 4921 0333.

What to do if you find a lost cat

Unlike dogs, cats are free to roam and there is no legal requirement for a cat to be secured inside a private property, so it isn't possible to be sure whether they are lost or a stray.

  • If you find a lost cat wearing a collar or identification tag, please contact its owner first.

Lost dogs and cats

Lost pets picked up by our Rangers are held at Council’s Works Depot, located at 18-32 Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo. If your pet ends up at Council, owners will need to pay a registration and/or release fee before they can take their pet home.  

If you have been notified that your pet has been impounded, please call to arrange a suitable time for collection during our opening hours, weekdays from 8am to 4pm, and on Saturday from 8am to 4pm on 02 4921 0333

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