Speers Point Dog Park Creek Reserve Road, Speers PointLeash free at all times ANNOUNCEMENT: Speers Point Dog Park will temporarily close on Thursdsay 13 February for maintenance works between 6am and 3pm. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Redhead Beach Access off Cain Street, RedheadDogs prohibited at Redhead BeachSouth of Second Creek, leash free at all times
Charlestown, adjacent netball courts Dudley Road, CharlestownLeash free at all times except when netball in progress
Gibson Oval, Morisset Gibson Oval, Awaba Street, MorissetLeash free except during organised sport and training
Thomas H Halton Park Bareki Road, EleebanaLeash free Sunrise to 10am daily and 4.30pm to sunset Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays