Bulk waste container/skip bin service providers

Residents will need to contact a bulk waste container (BWC) / skip bin supplier (listed below) to arrange for a bin to be placed on Council land - these applications cannot be made directly by residents.

Application for a bin can only be made through a registered BWC / skip bin supplier - not through Council.

The following service providers are licensed to work in Lake Macquarie city as bulk waste container BWC / skip bin suppliers.

Lake Macquarie City Council does not endorse any service provider and this list is provided for information only.

Name Phone Website
JR Richards & Sons 1300 579 278 www.jrrichards.com.au
Best Bins 0418 677 904 www.bestbins.com.au
Bingo Industries 1300 424 646 www.bingoindustries.com.au
Skip The Tip 0414 375 375 www.skipthetip.com
Rentaskip 02 4032 6418 www.rentaskip.com.au
Morisset Skip Bins 0416 150 805 morissetskipbins.com.au
Clean Valley 02 4964 8942 www.clean-valley.com
Skips and Scrap 1300 399 925 www.skipsandscrap.com.au
1300 skip bins 1300 562 786 www.1300skipbins.com.au
All Town Skips 0405 539 331 www.alltownskips.com.au
L&D Brown Skip Bin Hire 02 4358 0959 www.ldbrownbins.com.au
Economy Waste Skips 02 4325 1800 Economy Waste Skips
Lucky's Bin Hire 02 4958 1271 www.luckysscrapmetal.com.au
Newcastle Handy Bins 0427 229 614 www.newcastlehandybins.com.au
Cleanaway 02 4037 5700 www.cleanaway.com.au

If you are a service provider and would like to be listed here, please submit an application.